Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Good Man is Hard to Find

In honor of my husband’s birthday, I was inspired to write about how truly blessed I am in my marriage to Brett.  I had full intentions of writing this blog back on his actual birthday of Tuesday, but it’s still considered his birthday week so it’s ok, right?  In so many ways my husband ceases to amaze me, sometimes not in a good way ;) but mostly I am reminded how truly rare a man like Brett is, and I got to marry him! 
First, and foremost, he is a man of God.  The blessing of having a spiritual leader in our marriage makes the journey together so much easier.  Although this is the best and most important quality of Brett, it is mostly the little things that he does for me that remind me of how lucky I am.  As I told you in my last entry, he doesn’t really care about TV so he always lets me “control” the remote.  In fact, just last night, I was busy cleaning while he watched TV.  When I glanced at what he was watching I noticed he was watching some car auction show.  I find this to be odd, considering he is no auto connoisseur and they are boring.  So I asked him what he was watching and he told me he needed my help to pick a good show.  The poor guy can’t even pick quality TV without me.  But this, I love.  Next, whenever we eat sushi he always eats the ends of the rolls because he knows they are just too big for me to eat in just one bite, and they always have funky things sticking out of them like shrimp tails or sticks of cucumber.  I don’t know if this is because he just loves food and is trying to eat more than me or because he loves me, I like to think it’s because he loves me.   He always eats the ends of bread too, and leaves me the soft center.  Like the heels of our bread at home or the end of the bread they bring as an appetizer at a restaurant.  I know it sounds silly, but I think it’s thoughtful.  He also does most of the cooking, and he even does dishes! I think this is a characteristic he picked up from working as a fireman, but hey! works for me!  Now, I’m not a big time shopper, but I’m still a girl and I can do some damage once in a while.  Brett almost always tells me that it’s ok to go shopping, even though he is probably screaming on the inside for me to stay away.  He always says “honey, you can buy it if you need it,” and I usually assure him that I never NEED it, and he lets me to buy it anyway.  He will joke about how “women always spend the money” but he has always been so generous with his money, even before I contributed to the income.    All of these characteristics point to the fact that he is one of the most un-selfish persons I have ever met, and only make me realize how selfish I can be sometimes (he keeps me in check).    I also appreciate the fact that he has always been a good steward of his money, and keeps track of all our bills (in a timely manner).  It’s hard work to keep up with that financial stuff, and I appreciate him taking that responsibility.  He is also very handy around our house, always wanting to work on new projects and improve things.  This I think he gets from his dad, who is very talented at home improvements and electrical work. 
There are so many more great things about my husband, but I would sit here and type a whole book, and you would be bored.  In the end, I AM BLESSED. A good man is hard to find...but God found him for me! I love you Brett, and I look forward to many more years of discovering the great things about you.  Happy Birthday Babaloo!